Imagine a world where executives stand in their true consciousness, enabling employment with intention and unconditional love, where couples communicate on levels of deep understanding and compassion, where artists produce sounds with unwavering purpose, and where tired mothers and fathers feel protected, guided, and supported. Our divine vision is to create a global community of leaders, artists, lovers, mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters who fully remember our oneness with the Creator and Mother Nature within ourselves and the world around us. Where humanity will fulfill their rightful Creator-given role of stewardship of all life on Earth with reverence. Azuléa will create local, national, and global transformation through our collective will and intent as a worldwide community. Azuléa will design transformational retreat centers and online programs that provide the experiences, resources, and support for each individual to step into their highest self. Together, we will catalyze the collective transformation of humanity in the outer world by focusing on the inner transformation of the individual.
Our mission is to build a global consciousness-inspired wellness community to encourage and inspire those to reach their highest self and attain optimal health. Our organization utilizes the gifts of the Divine Creator and Mother Nature and the advancements of the modern era to aid in self-transformation through sacred medicine ceremonies, conscious education, intentional retreats, and guided inner work to instigate deep healing that can last a lifetime. Azuléa utilizes the protections of our religious and spiritual freedoms guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United States Constitution, and the Constitutions of several states. Azuléa is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and religious/spiritual purposes.
Humans have strayed from their ancestral needs of living symbiotically with the natural world and community. We live in a time where regular use of toxic chemicals is seen as normal, food is manufactured rather than gathered, synthetic drugs are viewed as medicine, and screens become our social circle. At the same time, we face sickness, unfulfillment, and loneliness. The imaginative and creative magic within is forced out of us in childhood. Coerced to sit behind a desk, driven to squash that innate desire for exploration and discovery. Our modern world is a recipe for illness, disappointment, depression, disconnection, and burden. It enables a false sense of security and dissociates the physical body from the spirit. It continues to distract individuals from their highest self by placing importance on the material world, fundamentally disconnecting them from the Divine Creator. At Azuléa, we are passionate about rewriting this narrative to nurture profound self-transformation to reconnect the precious relationship between Spirit and Self. To rekindle the ever-flowing bond between life and the Divine Creator. To educate our members on the basic ancestral needs so they can flourish. Our divine purpose is to bring lifetimes of innate wisdom, learned knowledge, humble unity, and sacred practices to heal our global community and raise awareness of the importance of our basic ancestral needs.
Founder, Healer,
Plant Medicine Facilitator & Integration Guide
Kyle Brennon is an integrative healer, embodiment and integration guide, entheogenic medicine teacher, and retreat leader. He perpetually learns and expands his healing capabilities because of his deep love for human alchemy. With a background in psychology and inner work, he believes in the integral connection between heart, body, mind, and spirit through dedicated personal practice and the gifts of Mother Earth. Kyle has ten years of experience utilizing earth medicines, multidisciplinary healing, and coaching to support others in eliminating their core subconscious programs, cellular memory, limiting beliefs, and traumas. He is an active member of the Association of Entheogenic Practitioners (AEP), an association dedicated to supporting practitioners in ongoing education, ethics, and personal advancement. He believes everyone’s highest potential, optimized health, and greatest purpose rests within each individual. He uses his multidisciplinary approach of modalities and intuition to guide others in their transformation.
Kyle considers earth medicines valuable allies worthy of respect and reverence; they should never be used as a crutch. By developing a foundation of personal inner work and devotion to becoming the best version of oneself, humans can utilize earth medicines to catalyze profound shifts in their paths. Kyle creates a container of love, safety, and soul nourishment for others to unfold and bloom into the remembrance of their true self. Since the age of six, he has dedicated himself to inner work and healing. His ongoing commitment allows him to fulfill his purpose of supporting and guiding others in reaching their highest potential and living their most fulfilling lives.
statement of beliefs
Excerpt from Constitution and Bylaws of AZULÉA CHURCH OF SYMBIOSIS INC.
Article V: Statement of Faith
Section 1: Divine Creator & Mother Nature
We believe that Divine Creator (AKA Creator, Prime Creator, God, Great Spirit, etc.) is the loving architect and animating force of intelligence in the Universe. The Divine Creator has been known by many cultures worldwide; however, any verbal or religious conceptual description of the Divine Creator provides only partial accounts of its majesty, as the truth of the Divine Creator is both incalculable and unutterable. There is only one consciousness in the Universe: The Divine Creator. Upon the creation of the Universe, the Divine Creator forged from itself Spiritual Hierarchies, the Angels, and assigned them to carry out the designs and orchestrations of the micro and macro cosmological processes of life, death, rebirth, and the evolution of the Children of Life.
We believe Mother Nature (AKA Mother Earth, Gaia, Great Mother, etc.) is the consciousness of our planet. She is an intelligent, sentient being designed by the Divine Creator and constructed by the Spiritual Hierarchies to orchestrate and oversee all processes aiding in the evolution of the Children of Life. Mother Nature provides her medicinal plants, fungi, minerals, and natural substances to be used in reverence by all life to reach their evolutionary pinnacle.
Section 2: Children of Life
We believe all living beings, including Humanity, are part of the Children of Life. Each human, animal, microorganism, plant, insect, planet, and star are inseparable components of Creation and, thus, the Divine Creator. Each element of the whole is of equal importance to the Divine Creator and fulfills its role in exquisite design and harmony. Each living being must be treated with respect and compassion and remember their true place and purpose in the grand macrocosm of the Children of Life.
Section 3: The Soul and the Human Being
We believe each Soul is birthed as a sovereign emanation of the Creator, a Child of Life, and undergoes its evolutionary process through numerous lifetimes. The Soul is pure consciousness and awareness experienced through different bodies, known as the Soul Elements. The primary architecture of the human being is fourfold: the physical body, etheric body, astral body, and ego. There are three additional higher bodies of the human being: Spirit Self – Manas, Life Spirit – Buddhi, and Spirit Man – Atma. The Atma, or Higher Self, is the pure divine identity of the Soul beyond the ego that cannot be fully embodied upon birth for most beings. However, these bodies can be personified through Inner Work, meditation, sacred ceremonies, and devotional practice.
The ego is the individuation of consciousness, a seed of the Soul, which creates identity and persona carried from lifetime to lifetime. The ego can be healthy, or unhealthy in a Soul depending on the specific life conditions and level of consciousness the Soul exists in. The ego in our modern era is excessively conditioned into separation, greed, and lust. For many individuals, the ego is the body that requires diligent Inner Work to shift the Soul’s identity out of its conditioned beliefs and perceptions of Self. The Shadow, repressed or unconscious aspects of the ego, can be revealed and illuminated back into the light of awareness. This process brings us back to our true essence of Self, the Higher Self, breaking free of the limited perceptions acquired over lifetimes. If the Soul does not actively go through the healing process during a specific lifetime, the unresolved experiences, traumas, conditioning, and karma will be carried into the next.
During the process of healing and enlightenment, the three higher consciousness bodies begin integrating and activating. The various bodies can be healed from traumas, wounds, conditioning, and programming through spiritual practice, Inner Work, and sacred ceremonies. After the bodies are mended, the dormant Soul can return to its divine state of being. This hidden potential has been known as the Christed or Buddha nature within us, which Christ and Buddha exemplified for humanity in our recent evolutionary history.
Human beings possess advanced brains and a sense of individuation. They are capable of discernment, unlike any other Child of Life. Humans can recognize their connection to the Divine Creator and decide whether they want to utilize this connection to attain enlightenment. Other Children of Life, like animals and plants, do not possess ego and, therefore, are unaware of their relationship to the Divine Creator. They do not dissociate from their environment; they are one with their surroundings. They act out of an instinct for procreation and survival. Thus, humans are given a unique position in the grand picture. While plants and animals have an innate connection to the Divine Creator, humans can utilize their connection to bring loving compassion and harmony to all creation and heighten their consciousness due to biological understanding.
Section 4: Christ & the Buddhas
We believe Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha were two advanced spiritual beings who descended onto Mother Earth at the will of the Divine Creator. The word Christ translates to "The Anointed," and Buddha stems from the term Buddhi, which means "To Know." Jesus of Nazareth and Siddhartha Gautama experienced their spiritual journeys before embodying their fullest potential, embodying the Christ and the Buddha. They set forth paths of evolution for humanity to follow the path of morality based in Love, service to others and to the Divine Creator. Christ was not Christian and Buddha was not Buddhist, but the religions were formed from the teachings these beings shared with the world.
Christ was the most advanced of this group of Souls to incarnate into human form following the 28 Buddhas that came before him. Each one shared the teachings that humanity could receive in their time. Jeshua (yay-shoo'-ah), or Jesus Christ, shared the most recent delineation of Universal teachings to support humankind in its evolution, and his death and Resurrection initiated a new potential bringing the Christ Consciousness to flow through all of humanity.
Section 5: Path of Life & Divine Purpose
We believe that the Soul comes into each life with a purpose and a unique path to fulfill this purpose. We are contracted with Mother Earth, the Divine Creator, humans, and other beings to fulfill specific roles and lessons for evolution. Each Soul incarnates with the wisdom needed to carry out these contracts and learn the lessons presented to them along the Path of Life. If the Soul chooses to learn these lessons, heal from trauma, and ultimately carry out the deep Inner Work, they will find their Divine Purpose. A Soul's Divine Purpose is the gift the Soul will bring to all creation. It is the true purpose that the Divine Creator conceives to work in perfect harmony with every member of the Children of Life.
Section 6: Humanity
We believe Humanity is one of the Divine Creator’s manifestations, comprising a faction of the Children of Life. As individuals of Humanity, we must remember our Greater Wisdom and embody compassion, kindness, and virtue to permit symbiosis of this collection amongst our brothers and sisters. Humanity must live in Divine togetherness with the other members of the Children of Life, including the animals, plants, insects, planets, and stars. Humans are gifted with advanced neurodevelopment and a sense of individuality (ego), which must not be used to cause harm to Mother Earth or the other Children of Life. These advancements were bestowed upon us to bring creativity, refinement, and unexplored innovations into the material world.
Section 7: Greater Wisdom
We believe building a relationship with our Higher Self can provide Humanity access to Greater Wisdom. This Greater Wisdom stems from the Divine Creator, and the infinite intelligence of the Divine Creator is accessible to those adept in spiritual practice. Humans can also access Greater Wisdom through the Akashic Records, an archive comprised of the sum of all experiences, awareness, knowledge, and wisdom of each Soul. By accessing either of these sources, a Soul can utilize the information to catalyze its Inner Work, realize and fulfill its life’s purpose, and find solutions for the world. This access is indispensable for Inner Work and can be initiated through devotional practices, ceremonies, and communion. Great revolutionaries of our time, such as Nicola Tesla and Rudolf Steiner, were renowned spiritual beings who accessed these sources of Greater Wisdom to share with the world.
Section 8: Cycles of Consciousness
We believe that our Sun and solar system moves through an approximate 25,920-year cycle. This cycle is known as the Procession of the Equinox, calculating the Sun’s motion backward through the 12 Zodiacs as it orbits an even larger star, Sirius. Many ancient cultures around the world have various names for the great cycles. These include Indian, Greek, African, Mesoamerican, Egyptian, Buddhic, and Christian cultures. Reference to the Procession of the Equinox and the importance of cosmological cycles are found by studying the monumental constructions to calculate the occurrence of this cycle and the smaller cycles of the Sun, moon, planets, and eclipses. These include but are not limited to the Great Pyramid, The Sphinx, Stone Henge, and Gobleki Tepi.
This Procession of the Equinox is linked to the cycles of higher and lower consciousness on Mother Earth, which is characterized by Humanity’s higher and lower states of connection to the Divine Creator. During the ascending quarters of the cycle, Humanity experiences a greater connection to the Divine Creator, greater morality, intelligence, and physical health. During the descending quarters of the cycle, Humanity falls from these higher states of being and regresses into lower states of consciousness, dwindled morality, diminished mental faculties, and physical health. According to ancient cosmology, we are at the end of an age of decline in which we experience the lowest forms of consciousness before beginning a cycle of ascension. It is by Divine Purpose and designs that Azuléa is materialized at this time to support the evolution of Humanity moving into this coming cycle of ascension.
Section 9: Azuléa
Azuléa is an assemblage of interdisciplinary healers and spiritual revolutionaries guided by Divine Purpose and the Divine Creator to bring humanity to its fullest potential. Azuléa provides an essential community for seekers of the Divine Creator within themselves through direct first-hand experiences. Divine Creator serves as the supreme source and head of this unified body known as Azuléa. Azuléa is a community that has joined together for instruction, ceremony, communion, fellowship, intentional living, and devotional practices. Our offerings allow our community members to step into their highest purpose, optimized health, and fulfillment, ultimately allowing them to bring forth their best contribution to the world and society. As individuals step into their highest self, humanity shifts into remembering its purpose and inherent divinity within Creation.
Section 10: Healing the Soul Elements
Excerpt from Constitution and Bylaws of AZULÉA CHURCH OF SYMBIOSIS INC.
We believe healing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies is paramount to living a long and fulfilling life. Healing just one body will not result in optimized health and wellbeing; the healing of all bodies contributes to optimized health and wellness. Each body is intertwined with each other, and the health of each depends on the health of all. This connection is illustrated by how modern science has confirmed how specific thoughts and feelings can impact our physical body on a cellular and molecular level. We reach our highest potential through Inner Work, sacred ceremonies, shifting thoughts and beliefs, optimizing nutrition, and nourishing our spirit.
Healing the Physical
In this modern era, our physical bodies face a myriad of harmful substances in the form of toxins from pesticides, herbicides, household chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and pollution that the world has only seen since the 20th century. Maintaining physical health has never been of greater importance due to the rise in toxin load and disease. Healing the physical body is a complex process that must be highly individualized to reflect a person’s particular state. However, the foundation of all physical healing is to “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates. When the physical body is flooded with high-quality nourishment from organic produce, grass-fed meats, wild-caught seafood, and herbal preparations, it is granted the ability to repair. Herbal formulas, minerals, and supplements greatly aid in the physical healing process and should be chosen in a case-by-case scenario due to the varying states of individuals. In addition, intentional fasting and detox protocols should be used to rid the physical body of accumulated toxins and free up cellular energy to catalyze self-healing and repair. Movement is of equal importance in the foundation of physical health. In traditional Chinese medicine, energy stagnation in the meridians is the root cause of disease. Daily movement is essential to fostering and maintaining optimized health and preventing disease. The physical body may heal and repair once the foundation of proper nourishment and daily movement is set. From this point, one may wish to participate in other healing modalities to facilitate deeper healing and promote longevity depending on the individual's state of physical health.
One must master the art of breath
One must drink high quality water
One must rise with sun and rest when it is needed
One must utilize intentional fasting and detox protocols
One must participate in daily intentional movement and exercise
One must eat organic foods high in life-force energy and limit exposure to unnatural toxins
One must avoid all synthetic fragrances and other personal care products containing unnatural chemicals
One must maintain proper hygiene using products that do not strip the skin of its natural immune system
One must ground themselves in Mother Nature by walking barefoot on soil, grass, rocks, or sand for periods of time
One must limit exposure to harmful and unnatural electromagnetic fields from WiFi, Bluetooth, and cellphone signals
One must eat meats that have been raised with true animal husbandry without unnatural injections, antibiotics, or hormones
Healing the Emotional (feelings, emotions, etc.)
The healing of our emotions through inner work constitutes feeling them deeply and remaining in full presence. The next step is discovering the source of those emotions. The root cause of emotions can stem from traumatic experiences, a phase of life, or learned emotional behavior from our parents or those around us. As we learn to feel what is surfacing consciously, we understand that it is safe to express our emotions. As this practice is repeated, the resistance to feeling emotions fades away until we are at peace with Divine expression.
Feeling and accessing emotions can be challenging since our ego attempts to protect us from feeling negative emotions, especially when associated with traumatic events. Through inner work, we can fully understand the process of our emotions and utilize them consciously. We can respond instead of reacting to our external environment. Sacred ceremonies can catalyze the inner work process, initiating breakthroughs and resolving emotions and any resistance to expressing them. The resulting emotional intelligence enhances the health of our physical body, improves our thoughts, and allows for Divine self-expression.
One must heal unprocessed emotions
One must practice empathy with non-attachment
One must take full responsibility for the way they feel
One must not let one’s emotions take control of actions or behavior
One must master the art of responding – think before you speak or act
One must accept and love all emotions as part of the human experience
One must not let others or external environments control one's emotions
One must recognize negative emotions and learn to transform them into positive ones
One must learn their homestate and know how to return regardless of the external environment
One must know that emotions are powerful tools that have a proper place and time to be outwardly expressed
One must innerstand that the mind, body, and emotions are intrinsically connected, so nourish them accordingly
Healing the Mental (thinking, beliefs, perception, etc.)
We can address the healing of our mind in Inner Work through different processes of self-analysis, reframing perception, and shifting beliefs. Our mind is a powerful tool; however, it is subject to conditioning and programming from our external environment by everything we have been taught, the entertainment we watch, the environment we grew up in, and the information we take in. Through Inner Work, we can become aware of which thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions we have developed throughout our lives that are true for us in the present moment. We can also decipher whether those mental faculties are authentically our own or just products of our familial and cultural programming and conditioning.
As we sift through these mentalities, we can decide what we keep, let go of, and transform. It is a process of learning, unlearning, and relearning. We begin shifting our perception of Self (lower self/conditioned ego) and see ourselves as more than our physical body with thoughts and feelings. We are Souls with human bodies, not humans with Souls. We can retrain our mind to function at its highest state through meditation, sacred ceremonies, self-analysis, and other Inner Work practices. We move from the lower mind to the higher mind and from intellect to intelligence. Our imagination and inner vision expand, and we think and create from a higher state of being.
One must use discernment and intuition
One must not compare themselves to others
One must practice the art of non-attachment
One must limit exposure to social media and news
One must remove all toxic relationships from one's life
One must keep their mind in the present – Be Here Now
One must challenge themselves mentally and physically and learn perpetually
One must cultivate activities or projects that they are excited and motivated about
One must develop a meditation practice and know that thoughts are not always fact
One must learn and practice restructuring negative thought patterns with positive ones
One must clear their thoughts through practices like journaling, movement, music, and art
Healing the Spiritual (being, awareness, presence, etc.)
The healing of the spirit through Inner Work and spiritual practice is a mighty process. We learn to access the energy and power of our spirit and our connectedness with the world and begin to live our daily lives from our Higher Self. Western Culture is prevalently devoid of spiritual practice, causing our focus and attention to fixate on our mental and physical faculties. We must return to spiritual practice and develop our relationship with the Divine.
As we deepen our spiritual awareness, our thoughts and emotions transform, and we begin to live from our authentic selves. Healing and strengthening our spirit is about love, connection, and faith in the Divine. Inner Work and spiritual practice invite us to form a relationship with our spirit and the life force that permeates through all life. It also helps us develop our connection to the other Children of Life, as the love that flows through us connects all life.
One must make time for solitude
One must practice service to others
One must learn to give and receive with gratitude and grace
One must recognize the feeling of energy within and without
One must create a sacred space designated for spiritual practice
One must prioritize spiritual practice to connect with the Divine
One must commit to spiritual growth and innerstand that it is infinite
One must acknowledge the Divine within Self, everyone, and everything
One must take the time to find one’s unique spiritual practice that works for them
One must learn and practice clearing one’s energetic field to maintain one’s own purity
One must innerstand and practice connecting to the energies of others, including humans, plants, animals, and beings.